pam am 103造句


  1. The defense strategy is to blame the Palestinians in the 1988 explosion of Pam Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed all 259 people on board, and 11 on the ground.
  2. He and his wife Susan cowrote a book about it, entitled " Pam Am 103 : The Bombing, The Betrayals, and a Bereaved Family's Search for Justice ".
  3. In their private meeting, Clinton told Mandela that the United States could not entertain any thoughts of forgiving Libya until Gadhafi turned over the two suspects in the terrorist bombing of Pam Am 103 to Britain for trial.
  4. Prosecutors said the two suspects, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa Fhimah, rigged a radio with a small plastic high explosive and put it inside a suitcase that was later loaded aboard Pam Am 103.
  5. "The way these people think of symbolism, it is probably a very conscious choice, " said Deppa, an associate professor at Syracuse University in New York who co-authored a book on Pam Am 103.
  6. It's difficult to find pam am 103 in a sentence. 用pam am 103造句挺难的
  7. With the end of legal proceedings in the Pam Am 103 bombing, the U . S . State Department on Thursday called on Libya to pay compensation to families of the victims and to meet other U . N . Security Council requirements.
  8. For that matter, it didn't have a single Muslim agent in all of Germany's enormous Islamic community, " nor a single source in " the Frankfurt airport to say whether anything suspicious had occurred before 103's feeder flight departed, " carrying the bomb that blew up Pam Am 103.


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